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  • Writer's pictureCamilla Rambaldi

Embrace your own pace

Updated: Sep 4, 2023

We constantly absorb information—the notifications by the second and the endless scrolling of photos on our feeds.

With everyone else's reality flashing before our eyes, it's easy to compare ourselves to them. I'm guilty of this too. It took me some time before I could own and honor my own pace and stop the comparison. I finally freed myself when I realized that my journey was a race against myself and not anyone else.

We can only find our rhythm once we stop comparing ourselves to other people's lives and success. Our paths are unique personal findings, so authentically discovering ourselves requires us to make choices that are not influenced by what is on the outside. Seeing other people live their best does not mean your life is any less. Our goals and dreams should not be a comparable checklist. Your journey is your own.

Free yourself of the mindset that everything you desire in life needs to be accomplished by a certain age. Life does not end after 25. You don’t have to be married by 30, and you can pursue a new dream in your 50s. There are no rules, and other people’s opinions will always be other people’s opinions. The weight of outside opinions is only measured by how much importance you give them. When you feel the rush to make a change because you saw someone’s post, take a moment to reflect on where that “rush” is coming from. Listen to the inner voice that desires to guide you, and then watch the pressure from the outside world slowly fade.

I believe the key to truly loving yourself is patience. You deserve to discover, honor, and trust your own rhythm.

Here are a few ways that help me check in with myself and slow down:

  1. Stick to a morning routine. How you set the stage for the day makes a big difference.

  2. Social media breaks. Once in a while, it's nice to shut off the noise for a little bit.

  3. Guided meditation. Even if it's just for 5 minutes.

  4. Self-care is not selfish. Dedicate some time just for you.

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